Wednesday, October 10, 2007

Milena Velba Strategy Film

underskin 2 in preprint volume 2

Manga News prepublication offers vous du chapitre 5 (le premier du volume 2) en exclusivité sur ce lien . Happy reading! :) Nel caso

interesting dare una sbirciatina vi, vi segnalo che, grazie alla disponibilità di gentile Manga News , potete leggere online in anteprima it cap.5 .

When Does Miley Come To Maryland


We still are. The Volume 2 of underskin " Cybersoul " will be available in all the French bookshops, the release date is October 24 . This second volume will be enriched with new illustrations of pages under all four chapters, the usual extra bonus with the comments on the achievement of various scenes and also a special tutorial on "How to make a board of underskin", directed by Massimo.
You can buy both this volume in all online shops.

Below, for the most doubtful and indecisive, a collection of French press reviews on the first volume.

A series whose genius does not necessarily jumping eyes in pre-publication. [...] "A sumptuous graphic design" as the publisher sells it? Perfectly, as the proportions, casings and successive scenes avoid any bad taste. [...] It probably missed collections Shogun anticipating taking a thriller: you hold in your hands.

underskin is a manga, no doubt about it. It has all the characteristics, both in terms of drawing in the spirit of the script. [...] There is actually a realization of high quality evidence points to a cycle of interest. [...] The design is comparable to Japanese manga. [...] Underskin I think is a serial monitor.

This first volume really surprised me. [Surprise] the richness of its narrative, the ideas brought by the graphics and changing the usual manga. There is a real research in some shots, some boxes or boards. [...] The next surprise came as the police: the authors have managed to mix of cyberpunk and detective to Phips Marlowe or Mike Hammer. Beginning of this survey is very successful, worthy of the best detective stories. [...] I think that these two authors are to be monitored. Their style could become a classic.

underskin, can claim to be a golden nest in the universe comic strip. [...] The authors take us into an intrigue worthy of a Matrix remastered. [...] The scenario has at least nothing to envy the American SF film. [...] The work will devour with delight. Blending the feel of a thriller of the 20s with that of a science fiction movie, is a good manga underskin just waiting to come forward.

underskin, futuristic thriller in which the scenario has nothing to envy in many film productions. The graphics are quality and pace to go, so much so that is a little surprised by the density of the plot!

Recalling sometimes the legendary series Gunma Japan, is a underskin eat very successful and provides an effective frame.

storyline compelling enough and deep enough to keep suspense maintained throughout the volumes. [...] Visually underskin has its own style and it contributes greatly to the history and psychology of the protagonists. [...] The love of science fiction and cyberpunk universe will be delighted.