underskin Volume 1
we are. The first volume of
underskin will soon be available in bookstores in France.
The official release date is May 15
. The volume is embellished by: a new lettering, edited and arranged boxes, new illustrations of title pages of the four chapters, a gallery of original illustrations created especially for this volume, a "fake" article on the robot market in the universe of narrative history, and finally a long
extra bonus (extract below) with my comments on the design and implementation of various scenes, or simple boxes and pages.
You can also purchase this volume in all the shops online and you will find below a short list among the best known.
FNAC We await with some anxiety the first comments and criticisms, hoping that if this volume you like, you will have the goodness to talk a bit about you and so to promote our work.
. The first volume of Underskin will soon be available in all libraries of France. The official release date is May 15 .
The book is enhanced by: a new lettering, cartoons retouched and adjusted, new cover pages for submission to the four chapters, a gallery of unpublished illustrzioni made specifically for the volume, a "fake" article on the fictional universe of the robot market history, and finally a long-extra-bonus (in this next extract) with my comments on the design and implementation of the various scenes, or individual pages and cartoons. The
volume will be affordable, of course, at all online stores and for convenience I thought I would list here a short list of the most popular.
anxiously awaiting the first comments and criticisms, hoping that, should it please you, you have the willingness to talk a little 'us around and get to know our work.
For those in Italy, also point out the two beautiful French bookshops of Rome, which, if you wish, you can order the book: L'Aventure , and Librairie Française de Rome .