few weeks ago we have ensured the operational support of a military helicopter to reach the lost villages where you arrive by car (or on foot, obviously)
just that so far the plan of the helicopter was just something that has clogged: it appeared when we were days away from the airport instead of the base, warning when he was ready to take off (and not eg the day before at least as would be useful to know to plan the thing). coupled to all that there is no phone coverage and communications are impossible even with satalitares phones and in addition, the helicopter also have another mission to do with which must fit times, routes and logistics and you'll understand that until now valuable means of transport that has not been able to tap almost to nothing.
but it was time to fly to the device 2 (mine), so today at 5.00 am (it's normal working hours, quiet, and we used to) go to the military airport.
two arrays of routine to check the situation and hop! to fly!
personally had never flown in a helicopter, let alone military helicopter, and even less than less Soviet-Angolan military helicopter! the truth is that I found an excellent experience! I loved it!
unspoiled savannah we were flying over, kill-dated, grasslands, rivers, Tembu address, and we had about an hour of flight when ....
Kartcentrum Kartcentrum truuuum track !....
strange noise
unstable helicopter
we turn to 180 °
emergency situation: an engine broke!
luck is that this model of helicopter has two. but the thing was no little joke. back another time with the crew to wait ... Luena airport arrival among crowds of fire, ready just in case ...
leaving one of the crew said: nothing, went back without doing anything, we broke down. but so that we become saved.
itself saps words. no doubt.
me, anyway, I hardly was aware of the gravity of the situation and the trip seemed great! lol.
for nothing.
'm still here! and that's the story today. Jejeje
news coming soon.
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