Tuesday, February 15, 2011

What Attracts You To The Sous Position?

the classic pre-tour Angolan

and as always, when the project suddenly reappears Health Mapa de Angola, began the classic tour of 3 cities, timeless and so roccambolesco:
Barcelona - Rome to get a visa at the embassy
Rome - Barcelona to suitcases
Barcelona - Lisboa for the classic airport to get to the end to the now familiar and famous land of Angola.

And then two weeks ago, unexpected arrival in Rome, home of Fabrizio willingly or unwillingly forced to adopt among his followers, forcing him and his family to gorging on food and rode in motorcycle or car for Rome city .
embassy was indeed war time na! very difficult procedures to obtain the coveted visa and to make things even more complicated one is made of half a technical problem, the papers did not arrive from Madrid and Luanda in Angola and even a national holiday that closed all offices of the Embassy ...
the unpredictable timing and narrow forced me to throw the first flight of the year (we hope not to start with the die and the thousands of flights last year's plunge in the toilet!) and to envisage a presence in ( de) over at Fabrizio's house, waiting for the slow bureaucracy of the missions ...
but in the meantime strolls in bicycle tours to unusual places in Rome, lunches and strolls with Pau and Toni (with its incredible and extravagant activities!), In short, a pleasant vacation in Rome, as always.
but in the end the Angolan embassy confirmed as always slow and far from effective in a few days can churn out the visa! storm of calls and reservations for flights!
sbaraccare is my mini home Fabri Roman camp and return to Barcelona!

and here I am with a sore throat that I drew up for a couple of days and struggling with the purchase of a decent jacket and shoes for the presentation of the results of the Map in the Health Ministry in Luanda and in the other provincial capital entrusted to me (Menongue, Luena and Sumbe).
full speed ahead, then!
to the beaches Australia, while from a distance feel the smell of decomposition of the system proceeds to the steps that Italy more sickening and repulsive ...

ah, I have gone to women's anti-berluskaz event in Barcelona.
passing a leaflet written by Belli in early 1800:

While who was ber country if sprofonna
landslides, teremoti, innondazzioni
while I know that 'finished them mijioni
eg a TurĂ  in deficit de la Madonna

While museums and drain cadena apart
nun and the University that have both more Quadrini
pe 'research, and brains for PPIU
go artre nazzioni in seeking means

As he fools pagheno taxes
steals and if and when at full blast imbrojia
pensions and so 'always low PPIU
A light kindled in the night.

Stay calm people itajiano
We sarva the hoes we

Giuseppe Gioacchino Belli

but Italy will ever change?


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