Monday, October 25, 2010

History Ofbuild Go Kart Frame

EuroPa.zzesco ...!

I am in Europe for a week low.
Angolan adventure was completed this year and 7 days there has been time for a few hours in Lisbon, a few days in Madrid (business meeting) and the rest of the time in Barcelona. But the trip did not end because tomorrow I go to Treviso, then return on November 6th in Catalunya ... meu deus, how many miles away!

the impact of the European world is an abundant shock difficult to explain. Too different, too rich, too distant, too. in general.
I do not pretend to be African, I have already reaccustom to my environment, but the first few days I was really amazed by every detail of this reality of this world, too opposed to that of a few weeks ago in Kuando Kubango ... two different planets ... in collision inside my head. separated by na-dozen-hour flight ...

in any case is closer to Luanda (Angola's capital) to Barcelona (10 hours) within which to Kuito Kuanavale Mavinga (220km you ride in a dangerous 12 hours, if all goes well) but

back to my passions geographical, here's a little comparison of how many kilometers I had to grind the streets in cars in absurd conditions this year

the map scale is the same, the points are in orange places visited this year (the yellow ones last year)
a nice short ride in recent months! and his travels do not end, as I said ...
it feels in the near future from the base Pietrobon Monastier Treviso!
um Abraço a todos!


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